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A five-pointer for November 1: CNN: Italy floods, antisemitism, Maine shootings, Israel, health care

Article information

Author: Kayla Vance

Last Updated: 1700302682

Views: 1369

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 98% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kayla Vance

Birthday: 1990-02-07

Address: 99661 Victoria Track, Lake Isaiahberg, WY 32823

Phone: +3840963656726617

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Graphic Design, Camping, Cycling, Painting, Motorcycling, Quilting, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Kayla Vance, I am a intrepid, brilliant, welcoming, Precious, unswerving, priceless, forthright person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.